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Perrfect pets get frightened too.

Sometimes your pets get frighten by thunder storms or high winds. If your dog is a puppy or older remember a dog will take up what you are emotional sending. So if you stay comom so will the dog or puppy. This is a good time to play or get their attention off of the noise.

Try some commoning music while the weather is making so much noise.

You should always be the pack leader this will give you more control over your pets behavior.

if they act up its up top you to lead and them to follow .

this is a good thing turn on the dog whisper can help[ give you some pointers on how to handle just about any situation. He stresses there has to be a cause for your pet to act up.

I can this cause and effect. Just like people have bad behavior patterns well sometimes

pets can get that way to.

Its up to you to bring your pet to understand that you are the pack leader and they must follow.