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Cats need nutrients to stay healthy.

Cats need nutrients to stay healthy. If they lack these required nutrients they could suffer liver or even heart problems. So its very important to provide adequate nutritional foods.

Martha Stewart puppy chow died yesterday.

Martha Stewart puppy chow died yesterday. He was only 7weeks old Martha named him Ghengis Khan. He died in a propane explosion at the boarding kennel. Seventeen other
dogs died. The kennel was for showing chow

Pets keep out of toilet water.

Pets keep out of toilet water. Your pets shouldn't drink contaminated water from your toilets.
It's up to you to keep the lid down or don't let them into the bath room by shutting the door.
Most pets are attracted to water because as stated by pet care expert Gina Spadafori, they
think its a wonderful drinking fountain that you put in for them.
Twice a day put fresh water in their dish or buy a pet fountain that will automatically refill their water dish. You can find them at any pet store but call first to make sure they have them.
Animal instinct attracts them to fresh water sources.

Gina Spadafori and veterinrian Marty Becker have co authored pet books.
Veterinarian Mary Becker website:

Older horses are sent out to.

Older horses are sent out to. Do you honestly think horses live out their old age.
Most are sent away alright but not to a horse farm. I've left this to thought.
Nor are they sent to a special farm to live out the rest of their lives.
There are now some rescue horse farms available for these disregarded animals.
Horses can be taught a new profession. Shiloh is one of these horses that was rescued from
being destroyed. She still has a lot of love and ability to be retrained as a special carriage horse.
She is being training to pull a carriage.
Shiloh is only 5 years old to Young to be given up on. Shiloh is doing great in her new business
a horse drawn carriage.